. : : BristolVisa : : .


Kandiah Jegathas
Kandiah Jegathas
“I express my sincere thanks to Bristolvisa for the help they gave me when I applied for a visa to France. I got the visa and I will be leaving for France shortly. You, too, may go to them for help. Thanks Bristolvisa. Fr Kandiah Jegathas Kopay” Kandiah Jegathas Home Page Other Testimonials...
Anuda Ranwala
Anuda Ranwala
“Absolutely outstanding service from the visa consultant!! They guided me through the entire 2023 Diversity visa application process with expertise and professionalism. Thanks to their in-depth knowledge and attention to detail, Highly recommended “Bristolvisa Consultations” for anyone seeking visa assistance!” Anuda Ranwala Home Page Other Testimonials...
Wattahene Vijitha Thero
Wattahene Vijitha
“ඔබ ආයතනය විසින් මාවෙත ඇමරිකානු වීසා ලබාගැනීමට සදහා දක්වන ලද සහයෝගයට බෙහෙවින්ම ස්තූතියි. ඉතාමත්ම සුහදශීලී බවක් මෙන්ම මග පෙන්වීමක් Bristolvisa ආයතනයෙන් ලැබුණු බව සදහන් කළයුතුමය. විශාල කාර්ය මණ්ඩල සහ අධික සේවා ගාස්තු අයකරන ආයතනයකින් මට ලැබුණු පිළිතුරු වූවේ. සම්මුඛ පරීක්ෂණය සදහා දිනයක් ලබාගැනීමට පවා අවිනිශ්චිත බවත් දිනයක් ලැබුණු ද නොලැබුණද ඔහුන්ගේ ගාස්තුව ගෙවිය යුතු බවයි. නමුත් අන්තර්ජාලයෙන් ඔබ ආයතනය දැක ඇමතූ පසු එම මොහොතේම පැමිණ ලෙස කියා අයදුම් පත සම්පූර්ණ කර දින 3කින් පමණ පසු සම්මුඛ පරීක්ෂණ සදහා දිනයක් ලබා දුනිමි. පසුව අවශ්‍ය සියළු උපදෙස් හා මගපෙන්වීම අනුව මාහට ඇමරිකානු වීසා ලබාගැනීමට හැකිවිය. ඒ සදහා ඔබ මා වෙතින් අය කළේ ඉතාම සුළු මුදලකි. විශේෂයෙන් s. balasupramaniyam මහතා ආයතනයේ ප්‍රධානියා ලෙස දක්වන සුහදශීලී බව හා කාරුණික බව විශිෂ්ඨ බව සදහන් කට යුතුය ඔහුගෙන් ප්‍රකටවන සුවිශේෂී පිළිගැනීම සහ අවංක බව ලාංකීය සමාජය තුල දුර්ලභය. තවද නම නොදන්නා එම ආයතනයේ සිටින එකම සේවිකාව ද ඉතාම සුහදශීලී හා කාර්යක්ෂම තැනැත්තියකි. මාවෙත ඔබ දෙපළ ලබාදුන් සහයෝගය බෙහෙවින්ම ස්තූතියි. දිනෙන් දින ඔබ ආයතනය දියුණු...
Tharanga Kumara
Tharanga Kumara
“This is regarding the best service given by the Bristolvisa company. They have done a good job with an effective service. We would like to thank Bristolvisa company for made our dream true and success. Thank you very much Bristolvisa……” Tharanga Kumara Home Page Other Testimonials...
Lion. Udesh Manchanayaka
Lion. Udesh
“As the recipient of a visit visa to Canada, I am very much thankful to Bristol Visa for doing a superb job in the visa application process. Their service is excellent in this regard. I would strongly recommend their service if you want a travel for any country. All transaction were smooth and easy. Thank you again BRISTOLVISA for all the help. LION. M A D UDESH SRIMAL (LIONS CLUBS OF MULLERIYAWA ROYALTY).” Lion. Udesh Manchanayaka Home Page Other Testimonials...
Chareeth Panduka
Chareeth Panduka
“Mr. Bala -Bristol visa Thank you so much for your corporation and professional advice to get my USA visa without any hassle. And also thanks you so much for your excellent, friendly service and humanity offered to me. Anyone who want to get such services and advice, I would strongly recommend Mr. Bala without any hesitation. Thank you so much Mr. Bala once again.” Chareeth Panduka Home Page Other Testimonials...
Abishek Wickramasekara
Abishek Wickramasekara
“I really thankful to Mr. Bala and team for the guidance that they gave me through my green card process and tickets. The team is well trained and friendly. You can ask any questions and they willing to help you. I highly recommend Bristol visa for all your immigration services.” Abishek Wickramasekara Home Page Other Testimonials...
Rakitha Shaveen Martinus Perera
Rakitha Shaveen
“Bristolvisa provided an amazing service when I applied for United States visas. As a member of the Lions Club attending its annual conference In United States, I was guided with specific instructions clearly. They were prompt and well experienced with what they do. I Highly recommend them.” Rakitha Shaveen Martinus Perera Home Page Other Testimonials...
Janaka Sakalasuriya
Janaka Sakalasuriya
“I can strongly recommend BRISTOLVISA for their highly professional service. They provided a wonderful service for obtaining my visiting visa to USA, to attend to Lions Clubs Convention 2023. I have no hesitation in recommending BRISTOLVISA to anyone who needs assistance in processing visa. Lion. Janaka Sakalasuriya (LIONS CLUB OF COLOMBO ROSEMEAD)” Janaka Sakalasuriya Home Page Other Testimonials...
Janaka Lakmal
Janaka Lakmal
“Courteous and professional service by the well informed and knowledgeable staff. Highly recommended place for visa related matters.” Janaka Lakmal Home Page Other Testimonials...